Creativity stuff we need to talk about | Stuff you need to know about me | Stuff I need to know about you | ||||
Creativity is thinking and doing differently. Differently than we normally would. Differently than our peers and competitors would.
Working creativity is creativity with a practical purpose. It comes from a desire to do make something better, do something find a new and better change. Pure creativity is its own delight. Working creativity is competitive...some ideas are better than others...not everyone likes the same thing.
There are three major factors to working creativity. In most people (and organizations) where creativity is being applied to real problems, the right and left brain spend more time fighting than dancing. The left brain is a control freak and doesn't trust the right-brain enough to let it lead. It doesn't understand how the right brain solves problems. The left-brain wants everything explained on its terms, which is not always possible. The right brain gets impatient because the left brain doesn't "get it" and takes everything too seriously. It wonders who died and left the left brain "in charge." It is amazing how much energy is wasted through the NORMAL friction between the right and left brains. It's also amazing how slippery this problem is. Even when both sides of the brain recognize there is a problem and attempt to work together nicely for the greater glory of both, little changes. This isn't an "attitude problem" needing a pep talk. This is a serious structural and evolutionary problem within the human brain. Fortunately, our right and left brains (and the right and left-brained people and functions in our organizations) can be taught how to dance, to trust each other, and to let each other take the lead when it's their turn. But it takes some serious practice and guidance. That's where I come in. If what I've said here corresponds to your own experience with creativity in the work place, then we can move forward to talking about what I can do to help you and your organization be more creative. |
I have been thinking differently and helping other people think differently my whole life. I am a Ph.D. Social Psychologist who is a statistician, creativity consultant, teacher-trainer, web site designer, and professional artist. When I am doing research and statistics, I bring my creative right brain. When I am doing my art and creative projects, I bring my organized and scientific left brain. I'm a creative and professional roustabout. I work with rock bands, think tanks, breweries and global marketers. I've worked in medical schools, art schools, ad agencies, and consulting companies. Most of my friends are artists and musicians, but most of the magazines I read are about scientific trends and advances. I've published epidemiological research with doctors from the Centers for Disease Control, and I've had my promotional work for rock bands displayed in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum. Through creativity training sessions, I've helped hundreds of creative people in advertising agencies all over the world to be more creative. In one way or another, creativity has been my life's work.
![]() I have a knack for helping other people to see, be, think, and do be more work more creatively. There are various ways I can do this. Come in and lead a well-planned brainstorming session on a real problem or issue. Organize and lead an offsite training effort or retreat to give your people a variety of new tools and methods for thinking differently. Conduct a series of workshops to address a series of real problems in such a way that it begins to create long-term change in your working creativity (i.e., training while we work). Help you redesign your organization or some of its key work processes to make it naturally much more creative. Most of my original creativity consulting work has been with creative people working for creative organizations such as advertising agencies and design organizations. If you think about it, helping creative people to be more creative is really the holy grail of creativity consulting. I know what energetic, successful working creativity feels like. I've been there and I can help you and your organization--even if its a left-brained organization full of left-brained people--get there, too. We'll have to sit down together and take a good look at your whole organization, where the critical right and left-brained creative opportunities are, where the blockages might be, and then figure out where the biggest and best impact can be realized. |
Who are you?
What kind of help are you looking for?
What is the organizational context behind your creative request?
What role does creativity play in your professional and personal life? Please think about it.
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